Pair this great coupon with the sale at Dollar General, and get Hormel Chili for just $0.73 a can! I LOVE making what my hubby calls yankie chili using Hormel Chili. Remember, after you print this coupon, press the back button on your browser and print it again. The coupon printer will only allow two prints per computer. If you’ve never printed coupons before, don’t let that coupon driver that wants to install on your computer scare you. It’s perfectly safe and will allow your printer to correctly print barcodes.
Buy 2 Hormel Chili with Beans, or Chunky Chili with Beans, 15 oz $1.00, sale price through 2/4
Use $0.55/2 – Hormel Chili Products – (
Final Price: $0.73 each, when you buy 2

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