Well as most of you know my husband and I have started the P90X work out system. Honestly I have only done it 3 times so far…I have had to give myself a few days between each work out to get rid of the soreness. But I LOVE the work out and recommend it to ANYONE and EVERYONE! I am going to start blogging a little more about our work out adventures to help keep me accountable! I weighed myself yesterday and I am at 123lbs as of 4/16/2012. I am not looking to lose a ton of weight I am just looking to get into better shape and to feel good about the way I look.
With the P90X workout system I really really feel the burn when I am working out and I can tell a difference after just the 3 work outs. I did my third work out today and I am not near as sore as I was after the first so that is some BIG progress. To me that means less time between each work out and a faster result!
If P90X is something you interested in just click the banner to find out how you can order yours today and start this AMAZING transformation with me! 🙂

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