Looking Forward to Fall!

I love the time of the year when I can turn the A.C off but don’t have to turn on the heater just yet.  I can open the windows and doors and let the cool air flow through the house.  I am definitely looking forward to fall!  A time when we can cook dinner and enjoy a nice picnic outside with the kids.  The time of year when you can enjoy playing outside with the kids without sweating like crazy!
Living in Houston these past 10 years I definitely do miss the change of seasons I got to experience in Indiana.  I miss watching the leaves change color and fall of the trees.  Then, being able to rake them into big piles to run and jump in for hours on end.
Fall is also a great time to pull out those feel good warm recipes like chili or soups like potato soup.  My kids favorite is drinking hot chocolate and lighting a fire in the fire place.  There are so many reasons I’m looking forward to fall!  I wish it would get here.  These next few days are like a teaser of the cooler weather then it heats up again.

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