So as the holidays got closer and I became more stressed I noticed I started raising my voice A LOT more.
I also noticed when my boys get the tiniest bit upset they start screaming.  THAT HAS GOT TO ALL STOP!! NO MORE YELLING!
I have decided starting today I’m going to try to relax and not let all the little stuff bother me and get me worked up.
I am taking time when I start to feel stressed to just sit with my boys and we all take turns seeing who can be the loudest…this way I’m not yelling at them we are yelling for fun and getting some of the stress out too.
So far its honestly been a struggle I still catch myself yelling..but I am trying to give myself credit that I am catching it and STOPPING IT!
I want my kids to remember me as the mom that loved them and was there when they needed cuddle time, not the mom that yelled at them and taught them how to yell.  I really wasn’t a someone who yelled a lot or not that I noticed until the past year or so.  I just know I don’t want my kids growing up thinking its ok to just start yelling when your upset.  I want them to see me stop take a deep breath and stay calm!  This is my biggest goal for myself in 2014!

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