Spring Fashion & Cashin’ Giveaway Event!

Would you like to win some cash & a Rebecca Minkoff purse straight out of Fashion Week?

Be sure to come back on April 9th till the 16th to enter the Spring Fashion & Cashin’ Giveaway Event!



You have a chance to win a Rebecca Minkoff purse made EXCLUSIVELY for mark. (Valued at $60) PLUS some CASH (to be determined at the end of sign ups)!



The giveaway will be live on April 9-16 and is open to U.S. & Canada readers only – we wish we could include international readers as well but we hope you guys understand.

If you’re a blogger & would like to participate in the event as a sponsor, sign ups for this event are still open but HURRY because spots are filling up quickly! $5 to sign up and to get 2 links (Facebook & Twitter ) on the Rafflecopter Form. Blogger Participants are eligible to enter in the giveaway as well as the blogger participant giveaway which is $15 PayPal Cash. Plus, top referrer gets their $5 fee back. Sign ups close April 7, 2012. To sign up, click HERE.

If not, just be sure to come back on the 9th of April to enter for your chance to win! 😀

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