Recycled Crayons

Recycled Crayons Put those old crayons to use by creating new ones! Supplies Crayon stubs, paper labels removed Zip lock bag Rolling pin Cooking spray oil Mini muffin tins or confectionary molds (either metal or silicone, not plastic) Instructions Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease muffin tins with a light spray of oil Choose […]

Cereal Box Project Make a Neighborhood

Cereal Box Project Make a Neighborhood Create a colorful neighborhood out of cereal boxes with this fun project. Decorate your very own neighborhood with stores, houses, and trees! Supplies Cereal boxes (or cereal bar boxes, pasta boxes) Cardboard tubes (from a roll of toilet paper) Construction paper Safety scissors Markers All-purpose glue stick Tape Instructions […]

Hearts on a String

Hearts on a String Best for kids age: 3 and up What you’ll need: Red and pink construction paper; ruler; pencil; kid-safe scissors; double-sided tape; and thread. How to make it: Cut the colored paper into seven ¾-inch strips. Fold each strip in half and curl the ends around a pencil. Repeat. Sandwich a 24-inch […]

Personalized Chocolates

Personalized Chocolates Woo a crush with personalized treats: Pipe designs and messages onto store-bought chocolates. Chocolate How-To 1. In a double boiler over low heat, melt chopped-up chocolate bar, whisking frequently. 2. Place in a plastic bag with a corner snipped. 3. Pipe onto chocolates of a contrasting color; let dry. 4. Package with cellophane […]

Hand-Shaped Valentines

Hand-Shaped Valentines Send a touching message with valentines traced from little hands. Just cut from construction paper, and then decorate. You can hand over sweets or a toy ring, or let someone know he’s your hands-down favorite. Thanks to Martha Stewart for the cute idea!

Cute Valentine’s Day Craft – Valentine’s Day Treat Packages

Valentine’s Day Treat Packages To make these custom treat packages, cut out a picture of your child, scan it, and print onto heavyweight matte paper. Cut tags using pinking shears for the bottom edges, draw hearts, and stamp or write a message on each one. Fold the tags and tape them to cellophane bags filled […]

Handprint Hearts

Handprint Hearts Yes you get a cute V-day gift from this project — but the real bonus? A sweet keepsake of baby’s little hands. Best for kids age:  Any age What you’ll need: White paper, paint (red and pink), paintbrushes and a black sharpie How to make it: Paint the palm of one hand red. […]

Valentine’s Day Pencils

    These Valentine’s Day pencils are not only a super cute way to add some bling to your kid’s school supplies, they might even get her excited about writing! Now that’s a win-win. Best for kids age: 5 and up What you’ll need: Pencils, hot glue, red and silver acrylic paint, and red and […]

Kid Craft – Caped Cute-sader

    Your kid will be a hero when he hands out these supertreats. What you’ll need template card stock hole punch paper glue stick lollipop black marker tape How to make it Download the free template from Spoonful. Cut the cape and mask shapes from card stock. Write a message on the cape, make […]

Kids Craft: Candy Rings

These candy rings are quite wearable! They make a sweet little gift for friends and classmates and they are simple to make. Once they are done wearing them, they can snack on the delicious wrapped candy. What you’ll need: 1 chenille stem per ring (pink, purple, light blue, white, or red) White craft glue Wrapped […]