Field trip fun

Today I went with my 1st graders class on a field trip.  On the way there I rode with another mom and we were talking about how 2 hours at the place plus an hour for lunch just didn’t seem like much time.  By the end of the 2 hours we were ready to sit for lunch and then go home!
I really didn’t think being in charge of 10 1st graders would be so exhausting.  I mean there were 4 adults but it was still like a constant battle to keep them all together and not climbing on everything. lol

They all seemed to have a really great time and I know my son was super excited that I was able to go with him and that makes all the chasing and craziness worth it!  Now I have a little bit better idea what to expect in a few months when I go to the zoo with my other son’s kindergarten class. AHHHH 😉

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