1 bar Fels-Naptha bar soap
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1/4 cup Baking Soda
*If you try this recipe and like it, you can double or even triple the ingredients the next time you make it to get a larger batch.
1. Grate the Fels-Naptha bar soap finely. I grated mine first using a hand grater, then put it in the Magic Bullet to finish it off. A food processer works great too. Coarsely grated, this equals about 2 cups. Finely grated measures less, of course.
2. Add 1 cup Borax.
3. Add 1 cup washing soda.
4. Add 1/4 cup baking soda.
5. Stir well
6. You should have a nice powdered mixture that looks like this:
7. Place in an airtight container. Use 2 tablespoons per regular load of laundry.

Will this work in an HE washer??