So on Friday I got all the final paperwork turned in to get Isaiah, my 5 year old, all registered for kindergarten. He is very nervous about it and says he doesn’t want to go. I’m hoping that all changes when we are able to go in and meet the teacher and see the classroom. I wish we could do something a little sooner to help him feel more comfortable but for now I just try to reassure him he will be making lots of friends and learning so many cool new things.
Sending my first child off to school is a little scary to me too. I have all these hopes and fears for him. I want him to make friends and to especially have that best friend he connects to. I am SUPER scared he will be teased about the scar from his cleft lip and his teeth being messed up from the cleft palate. I just want my little boy to enjoy learning and make some great friends.
I am looking forward to this new school adventure and hope to be able to be able to help out in the classroom (along with my other son Jude) I want to be as involved as I can.
I also must admit I’m a little nervous to have just my 3 year old at home. He is so used to having his brother here to be his constant playmate. I wonder if he will want my constant attention or if I will be able to get him to sit down and do activities like coloring on his own. I am very thankful that I will get more one on one time with him but also I hope to be able to focus on this blog a bit more and not feel overwhelmed by everything. I think the following year when they are both in school is going to be a HUGE adjustment for me.
Its a scary new adventure for us all but I know it will all work out in the end. I just really pray God will bless my boys with great teachers and friends. I can’t wait for them to want to have sleepovers or invite all their school friends over for birthday parties! 🙂
My babies are growing up!!!

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