Life Changes

Savior Cents is BACK! Life has sure changed for my family over the last 5 years. In 2019 we sold our house in the city and moved to what we call the middle of the woods. Our family of 4 with 2 dogs and 1 cat all lived in a small 5th wheel RV for […]

Pudding Slime/ Play-dough

This past week for science we did a small project….Pudding Slime/ Play-dough. We started out with the intent of making slime but in the end it was more like playdough. First we only used 3 ingredients. 1/4 cup instant pudding mix 1 cup corn starch 1/3 cup warm water Add the instant pudding mix to 1/2 of […]

Why I decided to homeschool

The Start of My Homeschool Journey I have been asked a few times why I decided to homeschool.   At first I wasn’t sure how to answer that question.  I tried to tailor my answer to what each person wanted to hear.   After homeschooling my two boys for the past 7 months the answer is very […]


A week or two ago I posted a question to Facebook about home school.  Well my husband and I have decided this year we are going to start homeschooling our two boys.  They will be starting 2nd and 3rd grade. I plan to start next Monday, the 14th of August.  The boys are super excited..I’m […]

Ladies lets talk hair!

Ladies lets talk HAIR!  Hair and makeup are something women typically spend quiet a bit of money on. I  don’t like to spend much money getting my hair done.  Usually I go get a box color and color it myself.  Then let flip my head upside down so my husband could cut it.  Yes I […]

Starting a new adventure

Starting a new adventure.  Life is always changing for all of us..but this year I have made a big change, at least big for me.  It was scary and exciting all at the same time! About 8 years ago I was put on bed rest when I was pregnant with my now 7 year old. […]

Tropical Smoothie Giveway

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Everyone is thinking flowers, candy, extravagant dinners… but what do you get the simple person who prefers healthier foods and small settings? Or how about a gift for someone other than your significant other when you just want to say Happy Valentines Day, thanks for being a part […]

Tax Time is Coming

Tax time is is right around the corner.  For the past 9 years I have filed my own taxes using Turbo Tax.  I love how easy it is to use.  If I have any questions I just call their representatives and they have always been very nice and helpful.  I recommend Turbo Tax to […]

Setting a Budget…1

My husband and I always end up talking about the same thing when it comes to money…We NEED to set a better budget. I recently sat down and installed Quicken on my computer and after looking at the categories I am embarrassed with how much we spend per month eating out.  I’ve never really sat […]

Why Spend Your Holiday on Muay Thai Training in Thailand

Do you think that spending your holiday in a camp where you have to perform strenuous exercises and sweat all the time is a good idea? The answer is probably no, but this is expected because we have not told you all the details. We are not talking about some kind of boring gym activity […]