This past week for science we did a small project….Pudding Slime/ Play-dough. We started out with the intent of making slime but in the end it was more like playdough. First we only used 3 ingredients. 1/4 cup instant pudding mix 1 cup corn starch 1/3 cup warm water Add the instant pudding mix to 1/2 of […]
DIY Pizza Lunchable!
My kids love taking the pizza Lunchables to school for lunch but they are just so expensive. I mean $1.69 for a little cheese and 3 little pizza crust crackers and a sauce packet and a few pepperoni if you get the pepperoni kind. That is $0.53 per pizza.
Homemade Thor Hammer and Football Helmet
So this year for Halloween my 4 year old decided he wants to be Thor and my 3 year old wants to be a football player. I had found a Thor costume at a local Goodwill so I was excited about the savings there…until one day Isaiah saw a Thor hammer for sale at Walmart […]
Homemade laundry powder
Ingredients: 1 bar Fels-Naptha bar soap 1 cup Borax 1 cup Washing Soda 1/4 cup Baking Soda *If you try this recipe and like it, you can double or even triple the ingredients the next time you make it to get a larger batch. Directions: 1. Grate the Fels-Naptha bar soap finely. I grated mine […]
Cleaning with White Vinegar
Not the greatest smell but a GREAT cleaner! Mildly acidic white vinegar dissolves dirt, soap scum, and hard water deposits from smooth surfaces, yet is gentle enough to use in solution to clean hardwood flooring. White vinegar is a natural deodorizer, absorbing odors instead of covering them up. (And no, your bathroom won’t smell like a […]
Homemade Finger paints
Homemade WASHABLE Finger paints 2 Tbsp sugar 1/3 cup cornstarch 2 cups cold water 1/4 cup liquid dish soap Food coloring In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar and cornstarch. Whisk to combine. Gradually pour in the cold water and whisk. Set heat to medium and stir occasionally. Once the mixture begins to bubble, turn […]
Homemade Baby wipes
You’ll need the following items: Bounty Paper Towels Mega PLUS Roll or Viva paper towles – These paper towels are very thick and will not break. Do NOT get thin cheap paper towels or you won’t be very happy. (I suggest getting the select a size 2 T. Baby Wash – Any brand will do. 1 1/2 T. Baby Oil – Again, any […]
Homemade Play Doh
Here are some recipes I found for making play doh! 1 c. flour 1 c. boiling water 2 tbsp. cream of tartar 1/2 c. salt 1 tbsp. oil Food coloring Mix and knead together. This playdoh is not sticky and does not dry out. (Make sure to keep it moving after you flip it out […]