Running the heater can cause your bills to go up during the winter months. Did you know there are other ways to help keep your house warm other than constantly running your heater? Here are 5 ways to keep your home warm this winter.
1.) Insulate your windows: Bubble wrap is a good product to use for window insulation. Simply use a scissors to cut the bubble wrap the exact size of the window glass. Next, use a spray bottle to spray a light layer of water on the glass. Finally, put the bubble wrap to the windows (bubble side toward the window) while the windows are still wet. When your ready to remove it just simply start with a corner and slowly pull it off the glass. The bubble wrap can be saved and reused for a few years. Don’t worry it won’t stain your windows or leave any mess.
2.) Close the doors to rooms you rarely use: If there are rooms you don’t find yourself using very often then keep those doors closed. Its also helpful to place a draft stopper on the bottom of all doors. This draft stopper will keep the air from going in and out under the door.
3.) Seal any cracks you may find along windows and doors: Caulk is one of the best things to use to fill gaps if the opening is less than a quarter inch wide. You can also add new weather stripping to your windows and doors.
4.) Cooking: The house seems to warm up when your cooking up a good meal in the kitchen like White Bean Chicken Chili or a good snack like banana bread.
5.) This last one may come as a surprise but turn on the ceiling fans. In the summer its known to run the fans to keep the house cool. Many people don’t know that if you switch the direction your fans are running in the winter it will better circulate the heat.

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